Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!

If you are missing them or you want to attract a new romantic relationship with someone then you have come to the right place!

1. First of all feel confident and believe that you can do this and and only you can do this because you are the only one creating it with the Universe!

2. Now time to relax. Listen to a guided meditation music whether you have bought a CD, YouTube or you can listen to the natural sounds of nature such as birds or owls during the night. 

3. Take a few deep breaths in and gently breathe out. Have a clear vision of what it is that you want from this person. This could be a simple text message or phone call. Or even dream big. Maybe have a vision of you marrying this person and having lots of children with them. Whatever your intention is with this person make it clear with the Universe. Think how wonderful it feels to be in love with this person!

4. Now is the time to say thank you three times to the Universe. 

5. Spend a few minutes breathing in and out and bring your soul back to the present moment. Go about your day as usual and let the magic happen! 

Thank you for reading this week's article! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!

As you all know I love romantic endings. However I believe that positive thinking towards your desired person is a really important factor! Be as specific and have a strong belief that you are the one and only person for your specific person otherwise things can backfire!

Recently I did the complete opposite of what I wanted to manifest. My SP decided to work overseas which somehow I manifested because I was looking into doing it however my SP ended up doing the same thing without me even discussing this idea! I mentioned it to him a few years back as my own dreams of doing it. 

I started to feel insecure prior to even him going there. I started to imagine him with a new partner even though she did not exist! The idea of him travelling to this destination did not exist. However it became true! He ended up going there on a solo trip and to work there as a teacher! I was happy for him however the insecure thought took over. Him meeting someone else! 

So I reversed this idea and made it look as if I had planned the trip before he was going to go to this destination. He knew I would be there at some point. So I decided to book my flight and a place to stay. I sent him a selfie and the address which I was staying at. And the message I received read out that he had met someone else and that is just life!

I was devastated. The thing which I didn't want to manifest had manifested. And it was a local from that country! I literally pushed him away with my own thoughts and ideas! And this is why I don't want any of my readers to go through this pain. Our thoughts and beliefs have a strong impact on the physical world before it has even happened! Even the negative ones. Whatever you focus on expands. 

Please do not feel insecure. If the thought of them meeting someone new is quite strong in your belief system then walk away otherwise it will just expand and become a reality which I don't recommend at all. Try not to be drawn into these thoughts. If they are quite over empowering, walking away from your SP would be the best thing to do. Stick to your own lane and focus on the things you enjoy the most. Distract yourself from thinking these thoughts as much as possible. 

Do your best to think positive throughout the day including the ones of your SP. I am not saying that bad thoughts will manifest for you I am just saying that do not think about them. Eliminate them from your mind! Do things which you enjoy throughout the day and focus on the things that makes you happy and feel positive. 

I did manage to manifest my SP into meeting up with me. I did this by not focusing on the other person he was dating and focus on me instead. The following morning I received 21 messages from him and he was eager to meet up with me so we did! And he was no longer with this other local girl. This happened because I made the decision to focus my energy on me. I dressed up on the previous and I decided to eat out in a nice restaurant! 

I have returned back to the country I live in. I intend for him to return back and propose to me. That would be nice as I want to settle down with him and have a huge family. The Universe always has our back and we just have to have faith and patience. None of this chasing malarkey as that is when things will go the complete opposite of what we truly want out of life. 

Thank you for reading my article! 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

New Blog!

Hello and welcome to my new blog!

An extraordinary new journey which will inspire you to have ideas about love, romance and general life style. 

I thought of this wonderful idea whilst I was meditating and came up with the idea. I love romantic experiences as it makes the world go round! 

It is a new year, a new start and a new venture! A good year to start a new blog! I am excited where this journey will lead to! Keep a look out for any new articles! 


Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! If you are missing them or you want to attract a new romantic relationship with someone then you...